Back at it

Ok. So apparently it’s been 18 days since I’ve bothered to post on my blog 0_o. Pretty bad, but the point is I’m back. I actually have a somewhat legitimate excuse for putting this on the back burner – something to do with being a career student. Lets just say I’ve been busy making progress and busy taking a much needed break after said progress. So let’s get back to it.

A couple of weeks ago after agonizing for way too long over potential quilt designs, I remembered that in some aspects of life I can be quite indecisive – basically anything related to clothing or design. So it makes total sense that I would spend entirely too long trying to innovate something brilliant – I put too much pressure on myself. To save my sanity I decided to buy a book of quilt patterns, but not just any book. I like the idea behind quilting, but I definitely do not like the way it’s commonly executed. The bottom line is I like modern – esthetically pleasing – things and so whatever I make needs to reflect that. So I bought this book.


This post isn’t meant to really be a review, but I will say a couple things about the book – perhaps I will actually review the book whenever I finish this crazy undertaking. Anyway, what I love about this book is that it offers simplistic beautiful quilt designs for folks like myself who need a departure from the traditional kitsch of patterned squares. Also, it seems to have great instructions – hopefully in practice that will be true.

After looking through the designs I finally decided on one – if I actually like quilting I’m sure I will be using other designs from this book. Check it out.


At first I considered using this pattern in it’s entirety, colors included. Eventually I decided that one, I’m not in love with the colors and two, I wanted to flex my creative muscles. Check out my interpretation below – can’t wait to get started.


First steps

One of the great things about life are the chances we have to feel it. As kids, our emotions were unapologetic and pure – the thought of childlike excitement comes to mind. Somewhere in adulthood though, life gets more complex and the pure quality of emotion sometimes gets muddied. It makes those moments all the more precious when you experience emotion without limits and outside of judgment. As soon as I get to the point of this post you might think to yourself – this intro was way to introspective. What can I say, I’m in that kind of mood.

I’m a natural planner and so anything which involves planning brings me genuine joy and when I get to actually execute my plan – oh man crazy excitement! Yesterday I took a trip to Jo-Ann’s to pick out fabric for my future endeavor – my quilt. I’ve been there before, but usually to buy something mundane to use on a mundane project. So this is the first time I’ve gone to do something fun. There were so many fabric options, and I’m pretty sure I looked at every quilting fabric they carry. I finally decided on these 4 fabrics. I’m going for a modern twist on the traditional quilt.










There are many more steps I have to take on this journey, but I will look forward to all the chances to experience excitement, feelings of accomplishment, frustration, or whatever – unapologetically.  Next step… coming up with a pattern. I’m excited!